After World War II he decided become a cartoonist and moved to Tokyo, debuting in 1952-53. His first comics were "Solar Boy" and "Piquant Book", between others. In 1954 he created his most famous character, "Suzunosuke Akado" (Red Torso Suzunosuke) an Edo Period swordsman, which was serialized in the comic magazines "Shonen Gaho" until 1960 and "Shonen Sunday" in 1972. The success of Suzunosuke led him to a radio serial, a film series (1957-58), a TV series (1957-59), an animation TV series (1972-73) and a TV movie (1985). In movies Suzunosuke was played by Shoji Umekawa and Taro Momoyama. Other comics by Takeuchi include "Boy Jet" (made into a TV Series in 1959-60), "Condor King", "Tokyo Patrol", "Heaven Soldier Hidori" and so on. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Caluchanche
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